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Noisescape (2022)

Medium: Video projection (made with Adobe Photoshop and After Effects) tufted rugs, TV soundbar

Dimensions: 3 min 15 secs played on loop, projection artwork: 165cm x 94 cm

How does noise looks like?


Urban noise seems inevitable and is tolerated by most and causes trauma for those who are sensitive to sounds. “Noisescape" focuses on the presence of noise pollution in our everyday lives by exploring the two extreme ends of sound, noise and silence. Arina aims to create an awareness of the detrimental effects of noise for people with hearing sensitivity; through explorations, her work revolves around transforming sound data into visual forms.


This work samples a site-specific location at Paya Lebar Way that features different stages of sounds. The recordings are amplified, synthesise into a spectrogram and rendered to 3D digitalised sculptures according to her interpretation.


Noise sculpture.gif

listen with headphones for the full experience

FYP part 2.png
FYP part 3.png

Noisescape Publication

Noisescspe FYP part 5-10.png
Arina publication spreads transparent.png
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